Key West Conch Shell Blowing ContestChances are you’ll never see this on “American Idol.”

It’s not a stringed instrument, a percussion instrument or anything remotely familiar to most entertainers. 

Nonetheless, the conch shell takes center stage in Key West’s music scene each spring when several dozen hopefuls vie for victory in the 
annual Conch Shell Blowing Contest.

The offbeat test of pucker power, which is set for noon on Saturday, March 9, takes place in the garden of the Oldest House Museum at 322 Duval Street and always draws a standing-room-only crowd to applaud the often hilarious efforts of entrants.

Blowing into the fluted pink-lined shells of the hardy sea mollusk is a centuries-old Key West tradition. In fact, these Conch “horns” were often used as signaling devices by early Native Americans,19th-century seafarers and resident shipwreck salvagers among others.

Conch Shell Blowing ContestToday the conch shell remains an enduring symbol of the Florida Keys and Key West. Native-born citizens proudly call themselves “Conchs” and the island chain is nicknamed the “Conch Republic”.

During the quirky contest, participants ranging from young children to seniors and groups, compete to coax the most impressive sounds from their “instruments.” Luckily, judges aren’t seeking true musical talent; instead they select winners based on the quality, duration, loudness and novelty of the sounds produced.

While most contestants can only manage tuneless hoots or halfhearted squawks, a few talented blow hards honk out lengthy blasts or even song fragments. In the 2019 competition, David Masterson earned top honors in the men’s division by playing excerpts from a classical melody and the 1958 hit “Tequila” on his shell.

Conch HonkNow in its 60th year, the “Conch Honk” is presented each spring by the 
Old Island Restoration Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the architectural and cultural heritage of Key West.

The 2023 contest is free to enter and watch. Registration takes place 
before the event in the garden at the Oldest House and those without 
“instruments” can purchase conch shells on-site.
 Find out more at 305-294-9501;



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