Who knew that what started as a slogan on a bumper sticker would later morph into one of the season’s hottest events?
In its sixth year, the “I Love Stock Island” Festival, which takes place from Wednesday, June 15 through Sunday, June 19, celebrates Stock Island’s colorful and vibrant heritage.
This charming tiny island has always been known as a tightly-knit working community — from its days as a freighter port with “stock” for the liveries and a landing for the Key West-to-Cuba Ferry to today’s bustling fishing docks and live-aboard marinas. It truly is a rustic, eclectic place that reflects how Key West once was.
The annual I Love Stock Island Festival encompasses five great days of the very best Stock Island has to offer. There are all kinds of foodie events boasting the freshest, most delicious, straight-off-the-boat seafood you’ll ever taste. Adding to the fun are history and food tours, art strolls, pool parties, live entertainment, a Fishing Tournament, and so much more.
“So, just where is Stock Island?” This tiny throwback parcel of land lies just over Cow Key Channel bridge and is only a stone’s throw from Key West.
For a complete list of events and activities, hit up ILoveStockIsland.com.